Ngalim Franklin (Mr. Green)
- Founder/Executive Director

Ngalim Franklin Njaiwo (Mr. Green), is a Grassroots Environmental Educator, Consultant, and Activist with 13 years of experience serving as Founder/Executive Director of The Greens and a Geology Teacher with 13 years of experience working at Government High School Kedjom-Keku.

He is a CLEO Climate Speakers Network Graduate, a Carbon and Climate Literacy Trainer, a Climate Change AI/ML Enthusiast, the FAO Forest Educator of the Year 2019, an African ChangeMakers Fellow, an Innovator, and a Creative Leader/Facilitator with groundbreaking records in Biodiversity Conservation, Environmental Education, and Waste Management.

Mr. Greens' work at The Greens has given him the opportunity to participate in the 2022 Africa Mountains Community-to-Community Exchange in Kigali-Rwanda, the 2022 virtual Global Landscape Forum Africa, the 2021 World Forestry Congress in Seoul - South Korea, and has seen him bag several awards such as the Cameroon National Media Award Against Climate Change in 2022, the International Day of Forests Teachers’ Contest in 2019, the Young Citizens Contributing Positively Award (YOCICOPO) in 2017, the Top Outstanding Young Persons’ Award in Humanitarian and Voluntary Leadership in 2012, and winner of Connect for Climate voices for Climate Photo Contest in 2012.